The first ever intimate experience! Seon-mi (Koo Ji-sung) hands a name card to Joo-hee (Ha Na-kyeong) who is about to get married, saying that she'll be able to feel sexual satisfaction like never before. Joo-hee experiences something new and starts expressing her rising emotions to her fiance despite the time and place. Unlike Joo-hee who is enjoying this, Min-woo is getting t...《深情触摸》是由著名导演金浩俊拍摄的hd高清完整版影视作品,由主演的,著名导演金浩俊执导的韩国影片。本站支持手机和电脑在线观看深情触摸,还有关于深情触摸的演员表、剧情介绍、影评等信息。剧中讲述了 The first ever intimate experience! Seon-mi (Koo Ji-sung) hands a name card to Joo-hee (Ha Na-kyeong) who is about to get married, saying that she'll be able to feel sexual satisfaction like never before. Joo-hee experiences something new and starts expressing her rising emotions to her fiance despite the time and place. Unlike Joo-hee who is enjoying this, Min-woo is getting t...。深情触摸预告于2015上映。本站收藏的该片播放语言是韩语。电视剧影片清晰度是HD。视频本站于2022-04-21收藏于本站。